Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Miracle Polish!

All my life I been back and forth with nailpolish.  I like it when it's on, but it chips so easily, the upkeep of it, the way it screams "I'M HIGH MAINTENANCE" to the world, not to mention I usually fudge it up before it even dries.  Usually there's one month out of every year decide I'd like to start wearing nailpolish again and then it just does not last very long.  The filing, the clipping, the cuticle cutting!  What a horrible way to spend an evening.

This past March was the month of this year I decided to try wearing nailpolish again.  It was a sunny week and the first warm breeze blew threw my hair and I just knew I had to go buy a fun spring nailpolish.  And it was there, gentle reader, in the nailpolish aisle at Walgreens, that I discovered a miracle polish.  It is called Sally Hansen Insta-Dri Fast Dry Nail Color.  I fell in love.  The difference this time, is that I'm still in love with it!  I've been painting my nails for about 6 months now and have yet to get tired of it!

Normally I go for the bright colored nailpolish:

Snappy Sorbet

Mint Sprig       

Mango Motion

Blue Blast        

Sonic Bloom

Racin' Red

Lively Lilac

But now I have discoverd Expresso.  My current favorite color.  It annoys me that Sally Hansen spells espresso wrong, but then again, she continually brings me the best colors of nailpolish, so I can get over it.


And I am so sorry that this is the best picture of it that Google would find.  It isn't as pink as it looks here.  I don't know how to describe it other than a mauvey brown.  My brother Luke says it looks like a grama nail polish, but all I know is it makes me feel like a lady.


pwo said...

I can't believe you took all these pictures!

Sarah said...

I didn't! I googled them!


Liz Thayer said...

It's not grandma color. I like it. When I did paint my nails I would always go with muted colors but always kept the fun bright ones for the toes!

Kathy Z said...

Hmm... I'll have to try this. I'm the same with painting my fingernails a couple weeks a year, then deciding it's not worth it. :) I usually go with something muted, so it's not as noticable when it chips.

But my toes - they're bright colors and painted all the time. :)

Val said...

Maybe it IS a Grandma color as it's the color I wear and I am a Grandma....but Grandmas don't have, like, cooties or anything......

Sarah said...

that's very true Val! I agree, nothing wrong with a "grama" color!