Saturday, August 28, 2010

Eyeliner Magic

Every time I get a zit on my upper lip I am ridiculously tempted to color it in with my eyeliner.  Then I'd look just like Cindy Crawford, or some other mole sporting famous woman.  I've tried it once or twice, just for fun, washing it off before leaving the house.  It's amazing how different a mole on your upper lip can make you feel.  I felt...empowered.

Weird I know.

But you should try giving yourself a mole on your upper lip and see how it feels.  You suddenly feel tres chic.  French woman sexy.

Trust me.

The only reason I haven't worn this in public is because I imagine a scenario like the one in Robin Hood: Men In Tights.

"Wasn't your mole on the other side of your face?"

But then I would get to quote that classic line and make the poor schmuck who asked me turn beet red--

"I HAVE A MOLE?!?!?"


Lauren said...

too awesome! way to go girl. and yes, if you do this, i MUST be there!!! LOL

diane said...

very very funny

hi again Sarah,
thank you for the nice comments you left for me.

I found you by clicking on the word kenosha on the top of my profile.