Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just Imagine...

If the whole world's population all laughed at the same time, imagine how loud it would be! People buckled over in laughter at the office, hailing a cab, in a rice field in Asia, in line at the local coffee shop. The instant bond of laughter connecting everyone, everywhere. Humanity in all it's hysterical glory! At the salon, lunch ladies serving mac & cheese, chain gangs working on railroads, tribal leaders in Africa, Eskimos, women in labor, baseball players mid-game, I'm talking everyone in the world.

Can you see it? Pilots, workers at the DMV, bicycle messengers, surgeons, people out mowing their lawns, Oprah in the middle of her talk show, librarians, families mid pre-dinner prayer, everyone around you at Target, the North Koreans! World leaders, politicians, rich, poor, black, white, laughter erupting from everyone in all walks of life at the exact same time.

The sheer volume of it would likely jump the earth off its axis! An overwhelming cacophony of wind over water, a hurricane of laughter.

People who were fighting and angry are suddenly holding on to each other to steady their balance as they're hunched over trying to catch their breath, lawyers in court presenting their case suddenly ridiculously uncomposed doubled over with laughter, policemen clinging to the car door of the person they've just pulled over; crying and turning red in laughter! Everyone stuck in traffic, everyone who moments ago were terrified, bored, angry, sleeping!

I think it would be a lot like when you go into a sold out comedy movie. At first you're minding your own business, trying to be courteous of everyone so closely seated next to you. But after two hours of ab tightening laughter, you're suddenly connected to those around you. You walk out of the theater laughing with them, quoting the funniest parts of the movie. On your ride home you laugh to yourself at how great everyone at the theater was.

Now imagine that on such a grand scale. Everyone in the entire world feeling that camaraderie with their fellow man. All of us laughing and slapping each other on the back, holding one another up as we're all teetering on the edge of ourselves, about to be lost forever in the comedic abyss. Hands on knees, heads thrown back, belly laughing, busting a gut, howling at the moon laughter.

A whole world of heeheehee's and hahaha's and hohoho's. The high pitched hyena laughers, the deep belly laughers, the cackling Wicked Witch of the West laughers, the mouth wide open silent laughers, the dolphin-like staccato laughers, the old granny laughers, the I've been smoking all my life wheezing laughers, the gigglers all laughing, hysterically, joyfully, honestly out and out laughing!

Someone once said they'd like to buy the whole world a coke, well I'd like to buy the whole world a good 5-10 minute laugh.
Preferably at the exact same time.


Lauren said...

YESSSSS!!! Now THAT is what I'm talkin' 'bout. Superb. Superb.

Sarah said...

Thank you!

Kristen Schramm said...

Loved this!! "dolphin like" I KNEW they sounded like something! I'd love to be in labor when this world wide laughfest begins please!

Anonymous said...

you can start by writing something FUNNAY!

Anonymous said...

Clearly I am someone, what does it matter if you know who I am or don't? If it makes you feel better you can call me anonymous person

Sarah said...

okay Gab

Unknown said...

My favorite part is the "the I've been smoking all my life wheezing laughers"

Sarah said...

I like that one too. I can laugh like that, even though I haven't smoked my whole life

MerelyHolli said...

Pick a day and time. I'll laugh with you =)