Friday, November 20, 2009

Carpe Diem, or something...

I need to get out more.

Not that I'm sheltered per se, but I'm just home too much.

I like being home.  I'm a homebody at heart.  But I also would like to be married at some point in my life.  And what do I think, that "he's" just going to walk in my house one night while I'm sitting on the couch in sweats watching Grey's Anatomy and profess his love for me while I'm wiping my spilt hot chocolate off the cat that's sleeping in my lap??

I don't think so.

I'm not sure how it happened that I'm not going out and about anymore.  I used to always have a jam packed calendar.  I still feel busy, but it's with things like reading, laundry, my nephews, work and the Fox Fall Lineup.  Nothing social.  Well, I guess there's also areas of serving that I feel help to keep me busy that could be considered social but aren't really, such as greeting at church, teaching sunday school to the 4-6 year olds, going through homegroup leadership training, transcribing the words that come on Sunday's, currently I'm also attending rehearsals for Carols By Candlelight, Sunday lunches (Pleasant Prairie has lunches every week after the meeting for the SOW students and all the Trinity students we get that a lot of singles in the church also go to, which now that I think about it probably could be considered social), giving rides to various SOW students who are from another country and need help getting around. 

See, I lead a full life. 

Not to mention that I'm attempting to make my bed everyday, that alone requires quite a bit of effort.

I think somewhere along the line something happened.  Something like all my friends getting married so now they do married people things and there's a new younger generation of single people now who just don't think to invite me to do things and go places.  So I sit at home.  I'm not trying to sound down and out, like I said, I do enjoy being at home, especially since I live with my brother Luke and his wife Heather and their two boys.  It's easy to just wrap my life up in theirs and tell them to go out all the time and I stay home with the boys.  And I do love doing that.  But I think I need some sort of balance.

So I feel as if I'm re-entering the hustle and bustle of single life.  At least I'd like to think so.

I still have to convince all the youngsters to invite me out! 

And I need to get used to having a social life again, which would most likely mean not going to bed at 8:30 or 9 on any given night and that 10pm should no longer be considered way past bedtime. 

I only hope my almost 31 year old body can do it!


Sarah Towle said...

My word verification to be able to comment on your blog is "scrimp"-which cracks me up..because this is the bubba-grump way to say "shrimp"! bahahaha!!!

Well, I love your post-it made me laugh a lot. And...while I am in the prime of my singlehood years, and you're on my "top favs" lists, I will invite you EVERYWHERE! Bah ha, we'll get you our and hittin' the town...k? K!


diane said...

your so funny. you like exactly what your doing, why change? Having a husband is not all its cracked up to be.Do you really want someone to answer to?