Saturday, June 12, 2010

So here's the thing about summer...

Everyone wants to wear sandals right?  Break out the flip flops!  I'm with you, all the way!

That I get.

What I don't understand is this--

Why must we exfoliate our feet?!?  When did this happen??  I never exfoliated/shaved off my calluses before adulthood.  But now it's all about "cute" feet.  The problem with "cute" feet is that once you've soaked, exfoliated, shaved off your calluses and lotioned up your feet(you have to apply lotion after you've done all that other stuff because once they're nice and smooth, you don't want your feet looking dry do you?!?), you nearly kill yourself walking down the carpeted stairs, or down the carpeted hall for that matter!  You mop the kitchen floor and you'd think sombody used Pledge on it as you slide your way to the fridge for that midnight fudge bar!  And not only that, but then when you are walking around outside barefoot, you step on a pebble that's barely visible to the human eye and you'd swear you just stepped on Everest.  Whereas if you'd have kept your feet in their natural, callused state, you could run across blacktop at noon in the middle of July with the best of them.  Not to mention you could walk down the stairs without your arms out on both walls and clinging for dear life, just so someone somewhere might say you have "cute" feet instead of someone somewhere saying you have horribly ugly callused feet.  Which are the more practical of the two??

So the next time you're tempted to scrape the calluses off your feet, just remember--would you rather have a pea sized rock in your shoe and be in infinite pain, or would you rather have a pea sized rock in your shoe and not realize it until you take your shoes off at the end of the day and the rock falls out?

As you're contemplating this, I've got to go find my dang PedEgg, I've got a party to go to tonight.

1 comment:

Emily B. said...

I'm going with the calloused feet. In fact, I am completely barefoot from May 19th to September 6th. My feet are covered in mud/dirt 97% of that time, I can walk on crushed glass and not feel a thing, and dirty feet are a sign of having fun outside. So...cute or not, I love mud-caked summer feet.