Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ruminations - 1/13/11

Today I am thirty two years old. So far I feel no different. That's the funny thing about birthdays. I've always thought all my life that I'd feel different at certain ages, somehow forgetting that any other day it would simply be 'tomorrow'. I've never actually felt different though. Yet I continue to think I will every year. I still don't feel like an adult, let alone a 32 year old woman. The part that fascinates (and slightly scares me) is that when I talk to my Grama (she's going to be 76 this year), she says that never changes, that she feels the same she did when she was my age, but she looks different, everyone's grown up and moved on and she's just sitting in that big house all alone feeling like she's never aged. Age and time boggle the mind.

I made a list of things I'd like to do in 2010. I didn't do hardly any of them. I don't know if that's due to lofty thinking when I made the list or if it's because of laziness/lack of focus. Hmm. I think instead of making a new list for 2011, I'll just keep working off the 2010 list. I'll just re-title it :)

I'm re-reading Bridget Jones' Diary again. I love that book. I can see so much of myself in Bridget. That sort of scares me, but mostly makes me laugh.

Usually around the New Year and my Birthday (yes I did just capitalize that) I can feel super introspective. This year that didn't happen too too much, just a little. Maybe that's the change in getting older? Or maybe I just missed the Writing Opportunity Boat by thinking instead of writing? If we're being honest, that is generally the case for me. Too much thinking, not enough writing. I think I should quit thinking and just write. It doesn't matter so much that it comes out messy, just that it comes out. I need to stop being afraid of writing something dumb. Even if I do write something dumb, it's still more than most people write. Haha, yes, this is the new plan for 2011! Fear be gone!

And ideally, ideally, I would like to attempt to update the ole blog at least once a week. That doesn't seem too daunting. Although if we're keeping track I'm technically behind. Unless we start from today, my birthday, instead of the first of the year. Yes, that is what we shall do!

1 comment:

lauren said...

starting today is the wise choice. definitely. :) great first blog of the rest of your 32nd year. and just remember, like anne lamott says... you have to write the sh*#%y first drafts to get to the good ones. you can do it! let's face it... if *I* can, you most certainly can. true fact! love you friend!