Monday, September 6, 2010

Something Hungry This Way Comes

I wasn't going to tell anyone about this, but just let them notice.  However, I feel too excited not to talk about it!  (Shocking, I know) 

I am dieting.  I am not a very good dieter.  I don't even like to say I'm dieting, I like to say lofty things like, I'm making a lifestyle change.  Which is ultimately true, but just sounds so hokey to me.  Especially in the begining. 

But I am committed.

Plus, it's only for 80 days.  So that doesn't seem unbearable in the grand scheme of life.

Today is Day 4.  I've already lost 4lbs.  This is maybe the last time I'll write about this sort of thing on my blog, so don't worry I'm not returning to my blogging roots.  (What do you mean?  You didn't know this blog started out as a weight loss blog?!?  Well it did.  You simply have to look at my first posts to figure that one out.)

If you want more details of what I'm doing, you won't find them here, you'll just have to ask me. 

I thought that if I told all of you, I would become more committed because suddenly you all know.

I don't necessarily want to talk about it either.  It's just easier for me if I sort of ignore it, don't think about it.  Cause once you start thinking about what you're doing...well, let's just say it's easy to freak out and stop doing it.  :)


lauren said...

glad to read it, won't hound you! but awesome!! i neeeeeed to commit to something as well. i've been trying but not succeeding for a LONG time. ugh.

Sarah said...

hahaha thanks Lauren :)

Joel Y. said...

Great title.

Sarah said...

Thanks hahahaha