Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something About My Real Life

I am in a writer's group called Solace. It is currently comprised of myself, Lauren, Sarah and Mary Elizabeth. We meet weekly and give ourselves homework. This week Sarah said, “Why don't we all write a blog entry about something about our life?”. To which I quickly replied, “Why? What are we all currently blogging about?”. 
But I get the point.

Unlike privately keeping a journal, in a blog you can paint yourself any which way you please. Instead of baring your soul and letting all the ugly out, you can write about butterflies and daffodils and the witty things you said at work. In thinking about this, I was reminded of a list (more like a stream of consciousness really) that I wrote in high school. It was simply titled “I Will Always...” and it listed a ton of things that I thought at the time I would always do. I came across this a while ago and smiled at that young girl. What was amazing though, was that I still do the majority of things on that list. I will have to look for it and post it on here in the near future. For now though, I thought maybe I would write a new one. Looking back on that list was like a time capsule of my 16 year old self. Why not time capsule my 32 year old self too? And that way maybe you can get a snippet into who I really am, on a day to day basis.

I Will Always...

Love the color orange above all others. Love the idea of being an amazing gardener, even if I'm only a mildly okay one. Love rice in my tomato soup. Prefer tea over coffee, but rarely turn down either. Secretly really like the color pink. Prefer to have my nails painted. Put cheap gas in my car. Love the scent of rain, lavender and cinnamon. Love mangoes. Favor being barefoot. Wear my heart on my sleeve. Be partial to my rose colored glasses. Love the sunshine. Love rainy days. Keep the radio on if my favorite song's playing, no matter how staticky it gets. Dream big. Lose myself in books and movies. Love Jesus more than any man. Love my nephews like they were my own. Be partial to the “small” forks and the “big” spoons. Have music playing. Wish people didn't put up walls (myself included). Long for home, even though that childhood place has been gone for close to two decades now. Want a dog. Heck, even a cat would work. Be somewhat messy. Love long drives on warm summer nights. Be a loud laugher. Secretly laugh to myself at everyday life occurrences, especially those which only I notice. Really, honestly, genuinely love life (the good and the bad). Love crisp autumn mornings. Consider my childhood best friend my best friend. Love hats, even if I don't look very good in them. Wish for an art room dedicated to only my multitude of hobbies. Play the music in my car a little too loudly. Dance like I don't know what I'm doing (because I don't). Love wintertime. Be vulnerable. Be real. Be full of joy.