Sunday, May 1, 2011

31 Day Challenge

I read a interesting article this week.  It was about these women who made one small change in their every day lives for 31 days.  One woman did push ups for one minute a day, another wore a dress/skirt every day, for 31 days. 

I've decided to try it out myself.  31 days.  Not too overwhelming, but enought to form a habit and see change.  I've decided to walk to 80th Street and back every day.  That's a total of 8 blocks.  It only takes 10-15 minutes, so it shouldn't be hard to do every day. 

Rain or shine.

If you decide to do it too, leave me a comment and let me know what you're going to do for the next 31 days!

1 comment:

lauren said...

I am de-cluttering for 10 minutes each day. I did last night and it was invigorating! I actually kept doing it for about a total of 15 minutes (to finish up the task I was doing when the timer went off.) You inspired me!!