Monday, November 9, 2009

And I Didn't Even Have Pepperoni or Green Roast Beef!

Boy did I have a crazy dream last night!

Before I get into it, I would like all of you out in the Blogosphere to know that I am going to Georgia for Thanksgiving. This is relevent in understanding maybe a little teensy part of the insanity that's to follow. It's also important to know that my brother's name is Luke and he's married to Heather and they have two boys named Noah(3 years) and Declan(18 months). I live with them. Okay, I think that's everything, so buckle up tight and please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times. And away we go!

As the dream started out, I was at my house. Except it wasn't my real house, the only house I've ever seen that somewhat resembled this house is Edward Cullen's house, except it wasn't Edward's house, it was slightly different.'s that for confusing!

So, I'm at my house. I'm alone and I get to thinking that it would be super fun to have all the School of Worship kids over for a night of hanging out and all worshiping together. So I call Teresa, who thinks it is a GREAT idea! Somehow without calling anybody, everyone who I want to come knows about it. And it's tonight! (if only real life was just as easy!)

Seeing as I'm about to have a big party, I decide to look in the pantry for what treats I can prepare. Now, the pantry and the back hall and the basement are all pretty much EXACTLY like the house I grew up in. I'm in the pantry and literally the only thing lining all the shelves are boxes of chocolate pudding. This is normal to me in my dream. As I'm on a stepstool getting multiple boxes of chocolate pudding from the top shelf, Matt Gainsford pops his head in the pantry and says, "Ello, anythin I can help with?" To which I reply "Yes actually, could you start warming some milk on the stovetop for me?" So he goes about warming milk. After I fill my apron (yes, I was wearing an apron) with as many boxes of chocolate pudding as I can, I come out of the pantry. I dump them all on the kitchen table and ask Matt if he'd mind making the pudding so that I can go clean up the downstairs for the party and then go get ready myself. He agrees.

I go down in to the basement (at the house I grew up in the basement was finished and it was my dad's office/gym/hang out area.) and all my dad's stuff is set up exactly the way I remember it being when I was a kid, except for 4 large white leather sofas. I go around fluffing pillows, lighting candles, that sort of thing, then I sit down at the piano and tune it. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA) After I tune it, I go to the second story of the house to my bedroom. This room isn't in the house I grew up in, I'm now in the Edwardish part of the house, and it is AWESOME!!! I don't realize it in the dream because it's just my normal room to me. As I'm getting ready I have a fleeting thought that I'm leaving in the morning to go to Georgia for Thanksgiving.

I go back down to the basement and everyone is there already. They're all eating chocolate pudding while sitting on my dad's white leather couches. I sternly warn them that if anyone get's chocolate pudding on my dad's white leather couches they will have to buy him new ones. They all stand up and continue to eat their pudding.

That's all I actually dreamed about the party. We'll call that Part One.

On to Part Two...

I wake up in my (AWESOME!) room. Luke is banging on my bedroom door that we're leaving in 2 minutes and I better not make everyone late because we're on a strict time schedule. I get up, put on Ugg boots (I don't actually own a pair in real life) and go down to the garage. Luke and Noah are in the van, Heather and Declan are in the car, and Spencer Towle, Amanda Thayer, Sarah Hall and Jose Vargas are in the LLCC church van that has a trailer attached. I get in the van with Luke and Noah. Oh yeah--it's also important to know that all I'm wearing is a swimsuit and Ugg boots (LOL). As we're going down the long winding wooded driveway, I ask Luke why Heather and Declan aren't riding with us in the van. He tells me that it's because we are going straight to Georgia but Heather and Declan are going to stop off at Detriot and spend 3 nights there. I ask why everyone else in the church van are with us and he says they're going to New York for New Years Eve and Spencer was nervous about driving through Chicago so he was just going to caravan with us through Chicago and then we'd all go our seperate ways.

For some reason all of this made perfect sense to me, even though it was Thanksgiving, not New Years Eve and Heather doesn't know anybody in Detroit.

As we're driving though a maze of country roads (we lived really far out in the county), I realize that I didn't pack anything and all I had was the swimsuit and Ugg boots I was wearing. I told Luke we had to go back because I didn't have anything with me. He got really mad at me and told me that it was my own fault. I started crying and told him I couldn't spend a whole week visiting family I haven't seen in years wearing the same thing every day, especially when it was a bathing suit! He just kept getting angrier and angrier until finally I annoyed him enough that he turned around and started heading back to the house. Heather and Noah were behind us, and everyone else was behind them, and they all followed us back to the house. When we got there, the garage door was wide open and Luke was super glad that I forgot to pack then because he didn't want all his stuff stolen out of the garage.

So I go up to my room and pack (for some reason I don't change). I go in the bathroom to get my toothbrush and all my stuff is on the floor. Confused I open the medicine cabinet and all that's in there are a bunch of bottles of Brut aftershave. I turn to go out into the hall and Mark Moore is coming down the hall towards the bathroom. (Mark is the pastor at Lakeshore Tabernacle. I knew him growing up and he lived with my family for a period of time, although I'm not sure if he actually uses Brut aftershave or not) I give him a big hug and ask what he's doing there and he tells me that Luke had asked him to stay at our house while we were gone. I go back into the bathroom, grab my toothbrush off the floor and go back out to the van. We drive off.

The End.

1 comment:

Sarah Towle said...

Hahahahahah! Loves it!